UVA error output data
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UVA error output data
1 |
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#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int a,b; unsigned long long t; int cnt,c=0; while(cin>>a) { cin>>b; int tmp=min(1001,b); c++; cnt=0; for(int i=a;i<=tmp;i++) { for(int j=a;j<=tmp;j++) { t=(i*i*i)+(j*j*j); if(t/10>b || t/10<a) continue; if(t%10==3) cnt++; } } cout<<"Case "<<c<<": "<<cnt<<"\n"; } return 0; } |
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#include <iostream> using namespace std; #define M 301 int F[M]; int main() { unsigned long long n,m,s; int t,a,b; int a1,b1; int sum=0; F[1]=1; F[2]=1; F[3]=2; for(int i=4;i<M;i++) { F[i]=(F[i-1]+F[i-2])%100; } //cout<<F[296]<<" "<<F[297]<<" "<<F[298]<<" "<<F[299]<<" "<<F[300]<<" "<<F[301]<<" "<<F[302]<<"\n"; for(int i=1;i<M;i++) { sum+=F[i]; } //cout<<sum<<"\n"; cin>>t; while(t--) { cin>>n>>m; a=n%300; //a1=n/300; b=m%300 ; //b1=m/300; s=0; unsigned long long j,p; for(unsigned long long i=n;i<=m;i++) { if(i%300==0) { s+=F[300]; j=i; break; } s+=F[i%300]; if(i==m) j=m; } if(j==m) { cout<<s<<"\n"; continue; } p=m-j; s+=((p/300)*sum); j=j+(p/300)*300; for(unsigned long long i=j+1;i<=m;i++) { if(i%300==0) { s+=F[300]; j=i; break; } s+=F[i%300]; } cout<<s<<"\n"; } return 0; } |
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#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int a,b,c; while(cin>>a) { cin>>b>>c; if(a==b &&b==c) { cout<<"*\n"; continue; } if(a!=b && a!=c) { cout<<"A\n"; continue; } if(b!=a && b!=c) { cout<<"B\n"; continue; } if(c!=b && a!=c) { cout<<"C\n"; continue; } } return 0; } |
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#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <string.h> #include <map> using namespace std; map<char,int> mp; int main() { string str; while(cin>>str) { if(str=="#") break; mp.clear(); for(int i=0;i<str.size();i++) { mp[str[i]]+=1; } if(mp.size()==1) { cout<<"\n"; continue; } int k=0; map<char,int> m; for(map<char,int>::iterator i=mp.begin();i!=mp.end();++i) { if((i->second)%2!=0) { k++; m[i->first]=1; } } int s=0; for(map<char,int>::iterator i=m.begin();i!=m.end();++i) { if(s==k-1) break; s++; cout<<i->first; } cout<<"\n"; } return 0; } |
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#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int t; unsigned long long n; cin>>t; while(t--) { cin>>n; cout<<n/2<<"\n"; } return 0; } |
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#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <string.h> using namespace std; int prime[1000001]; vector <long long> vb; long long sumof(long long a) { long long l=0; while(a) { l+=a%10; a/=10; } return l; } int isPrime(long long n) { if(n<1000001) { if(prime[n]==0) return 1; else return 0; } for(int i=2;i*i<=n;i++) if(n%i==0) return 0; return 1; } int factorsum(long long n) { if(n<1000001) { if(prime[n]==0) return 1; } long long tmp=0; long long org=n; while(n) { int f=0; for(int i=0;i<vb.size();i++) { if(vb[i]>n) { f=0; break; } if(n%vb[i]==0) { tmp+=sumof(vb[i]); n/=vb[i]; f=1; break; } } if(f==0) { if(isPrime(n)==1 && n!=org) tmp+=sumof(n); break; } } //cout<<tmp<<" ds\n"; if(tmp==0) return 1; if(tmp==sumof(org)) return 0; return 1; } int main() { prime[0]=1; prime[1]=1; for(int i=4;i<1000001;i+=2) { prime[i]=1; } for(int i=3;i*i<1000001;i+=2) { if(prime[i]==0) { for(int j=i+i;j<1000001;j+=i) prime[j]=1; } } //vb.clear(); vb.push_back(2); for(int i=3;i<1000001;i+=2) { if(prime[i]==0) vb.push_back(i); } int t; long long n; //cout<<vb[vb.size()-1]<<"\n"; //cout<<isPrime(1000000007)<<"\n"; //cout<<factorsum(1000000007)<<"\n"; //cout<<prime[45495]<<"\n"; //cout<<sumof(456502); cin>>t; while(t--) { cin>>n; n++; while(factorsum(n)) { n++; } cout<<n<<"\n"; } //getchar(); return 0; } |
Tree Recursion
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#include <iostream> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <string> using namespace std; // A utility function to search x in arr[] of size n int search(char arr[], char x, int n) { for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) if (arr[i] == x) return i; return -1; } // Prints postorder traversal from given inorder and preorder traversals void printPostOrder(char in[], char pre[], int n) { // The first element in pre[] is always root, search it // in in[] to find left and right subtrees int root = search(in, pre[0], n); // If left subtree is not empty, print left subtree if (root != 0) printPostOrder(in,pre+1,root); // If right subtree is not empty, print right subtree if (root != n-1) printPostOrder(in+root+1,pre+root+1,n-root-1); // Print root cout << pre[0]; } // Driver program to test above functions int main() { char in[28]; char pre[28]; while(scanf("%s %s",pre,in) == 2) { int n = strlen(in); //printf("%d\n",search(in, pre[0], n)); //cout<<n<<"\n"; //cout << "Postorder traversal " << endl; printPostOrder(in, pre, n); cout<<"\n"; } return 0; } |
Its a fibonicci series solution. I dont know why….But found that it shows the similiarity.
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#include <iostream> #include <vector> using namespace std; int fib[2000][5000]; vector<int> vb[2001]; int main() { fib[0][0]=1; fib[1][0]=2; fib[2][0]=3; int c=0; for(int i=3;i<2000;i++) { for(int j=0;j<5000;j++) { int t=fib[i-1][j]+fib[i-2][j]+c; fib[i][j]=t%10; c=t/10; } } //cout<<fib[3][0]; vb[0].push_back(1); vb[1].push_back(2); vb[2].push_back(3); for(int i=3;i<2000;i++) { int f=0; for(int j=4999;j>=0;j--) { if(f) { vb[i].push_back(fib[i][j]); continue; } if(fib[i][j]) { vb[i].push_back(fib[i][j]); f=1; } } } int n; while(cin>>n) { for(int i=0;i<vb[n].size();i++) cout<<vb[n][i]; cout<<"\n"; } return 0; } |
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#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <string.h> using namespace std; int main() { int n; string str; cin>>n; while(n--) { cin>>str; if(str.size()==5) { cout<<"3"<<"\n"; continue; } int cnt=0; if(str[0]=='o'|| str[0]=='n' || str[0]=='e') { cnt++; } if((str[1]=='o'|| str[1]=='n' || str[1]=='e') && str[1]!=str[0]) { cnt++; } if((str[2]=='o'|| str[2]=='n' || str[2]=='e') && str[1]!=str[2] && str[2]!=str[0]) { cnt++; } if(cnt>=2) { cout<<"1"<<"\n"; continue; } cnt=0; if(str[0]=='t'|| str[0]=='w' || str[0]=='o') { cnt++; } if((str[1]=='t'|| str[1]=='w' || str[1]=='o') && str[1]!=str[0]) { cnt++; } if((str[2]=='t'|| str[2]=='w' || str[2]=='o')&& str[1]!=str[2] && str[2]!=str[0]) { cnt++; } if(cnt>=2) { cout<<"2"<<"\n"; continue; } } return 0; } |