The problem is to finding a tree from a given graph.The main challenge is that the value of the node is not provided.
So adjacency matrix can not be used to solve the problem.
To define a tree for a directed graph : total edges = total vertices -1;root can not be more than one, each node must have one in coming edge (except root has 0),using dfs/bfs all the node can be traversed from root(each node has a unique path from tree.)
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#include <cstdio> #include <iostream> using namespace std; struct Node{ int number; Node *next; }; struct Edge{ int from,to; Edge(int f,int t); Edge *nextEdge; }; Node *nodeList=0; Edge *edgeList=0; int root; void init() { Node *p=nodeList,*q; while(p) { q=p; p=p->next; delete(q); } nodeList = new Node; nodeList->number=-100; nodeList->next=0; } int GetNodeIndex(int num) { Node *tmpNode=nodeList; int idx=0; while(tmpNode->next) { tmpNode = tmpNode->next; if(tmpNode->number==num) return idx; idx++; } tmpNode->next = new Node; tmpNode = tmpNode->next; tmpNode->number = num; tmpNode->next=0; return idx; } Edge::Edge(int a,int b) { int fr = GetNodeIndex(a); int t = GetNodeIndex(b); from = fr; to = t; } int CountNode() { Node *p=nodeList->next; int c=0; while(p) { p=p->next; c+=1; } return c; } int findIndegree(int nodeIndex) { Edge *p =edgeList; int cnt=0; while(p) { if(p->to==nodeIndex) cnt+=1; p=p->nextEdge; } return cnt; } void dfs(bool visited[],int nodeIdx) { visited[nodeIdx]=1; Edge *p=edgeList; while(p) { if(p->from==nodeIdx) dfs(visited,p->to); p=p->nextEdge; } } bool isTree() { int nodeCount = CountNode(); int tmp; root = -1; if(nodeCount==0)//empty tree return 1; //check for the root (=node having 0 indegree) and it is single in the graph //also check for the node have more than one parents for(int i=0;i<nodeCount;i++) { tmp = findIndegree(i); if(tmp>1) { return 0; } if(tmp==0) { if(root==-1) root=i; else { return 0; } } } if(root==-1) { return 0; } bool *visited= new bool[nodeCount]; for(int i=0;i<nodeCount;i++) visited[i]=false; dfs(visited,root); for(int i=0;i<nodeCount;i++) if(!visited[i]) { delete(visited); return 0; } delete(visited); return 1; } int main() { int from,to; int kase=1; while(scanf("%d%d",&from,&to),from>=0,to>=0) { init(); edgeList=0; while(from||to) { Edge *e = new Edge(from,to); e->nextEdge = edgeList; edgeList = e; scanf("%d%d",&from,&to); } printf("Case %d is %sa tree.\n",kase++,isTree()?"":"not "); while(edgeList) { Edge *dEdge=edgeList; edgeList=edgeList->nextEdge; delete(dEdge); } } return 0; } |