Complete the method which takes oneargument: the head ofthe linked list. The programshould not read any input fromstdin/console.
The struct Node has a data part which stores the data and a nextpointer which points to the next element of the linked list.
There are multiple test cases. For each test case, this method will becalled individually.
Output: The functionshould not print any output to stdin/console.
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/* Sort the list of 0's,1's and 2's The input list will have at least one element Node is defined as struct node { int data; struct node *next; } */ void sortList(struct node *head) { //Add code here int zero=0,one=0,two=0; node *zh,*oh,*th; node *p; node *tmp=head; int f=0,ff=0,fff=0; while(tmp!=NULL) { if(tmp->data==0) zero+=1; else if(tmp->data==1) one+=1; else if(tmp->data==2) two+=1; tmp=tmp->next; } tmp=head; while(tmp!=NULL) { for(int i=1;i<=zero;i++) { tmp->data=0; tmp=tmp->next; } for(int i=1;i<=one;i++) { tmp->data=1; tmp=tmp->next; } for(int i=1;i<=two;i++) { tmp->data=2; tmp=tmp->next; } } } |